The much hyped reality show, 'Big Boss' is soon to hit the small-screen with its seventh edition to be hosted by Salman Khan. However, this season offers a twist with much-loved Salman essaying a double role by contrasting between the angel and the devil. Adding on to the Big Boss buzz, recently the sources within the industry unveiled that Being Human Salman Khan who was being paid a whopping Rs 2.5 crore per episode to host its previous season, will now be paid Rs 5 crore per episode! This season comprises a total of 26 episodes and with his soaring price hike the actor is believed to earn a bomb of Rs 130cr! We learn that the actor is probably going to shoot twice a week and is soon to wrap up his shoot before his court trail that begins from the 19th of August. Essaying a double role for this season, it seems like charging a substantial amount is completely reasonable and justifiable, for the actor!