Earlier, we had reported that Katrina Kaif shares a good bonding with actress Anushka Sharma and the former had also wished to have a female version of Dostana 2 with Anushka. However with the recent buzz, we wonder what went terribly wrong between the two that they avoid facing each other! Love bird Katrina Kaif seems to get extremely possessive when it comes to her alleged beau Ranbir Kapoor. As we already know that Ranbir is paired opposite Anushka Sharma in their upcoming flick, Bombay Velvet. Well, the onscreen pairing is believed to have irked his lady love, Katrina. If sources are to be believed, Katrina had joined in Ranbir for his shoot in Srilanka but no sooner did Anushka join the crew, Kat conveniently flew back to Mumbai and avoided any communication with the actress. With the on-going buzz, we also learn that co-actors Ranbir and Anushka share a healthy friendship and are comfortable hanging out together on sets.
Summing up all the bits, it seems like Kat favors 'love' more than friends, in B-town!