Four kittens were discovered in a Scottish company’s air conditioning vents and turned over to the Scottish SPCA, who sent them along to one of their rescue centers.
Cats have an uncanny ability to get themselves stuck in the most unexpected places.
Four kittens were discovered in a Scottish company’s air conditioning vents after a worker heard their tiny meows coming from the wall.
Further investigation revealed the lot of fuzzy little three-week olds.
The babies were turned over to the Scottish SPCA, who sent them along to one of their rescue centers.
A center staff member said that the kittens were probably either born in the vent or were placed there for safety by their mother.
She also offered that upon their arrival, the little ones were in less than ideal shape, but a good meal went a long way towards getting them to perk up and show “their mischievous and playful sides”.
The dry air in the cooling system was said to have caused a significant amount of dehydration.
The kittens are weeks away from being ready to go to permanent homes, but the staff at the center already says letting them go is going to be tough.
They’ve even already named them - Dusty, Harrison, Crystal and Morgan.