Bollywood actor, Irrfan Khan has stood effortlessly throughout his commendable career in the industry. When we hear the name Irrfan Khan, not with much of a surprise, the first thing that comes to our mind is his spell bound performance in biopic Paan Singh Tomar and his latest flick being, D-Day. While The Lunchbox actor has always experimented with his role-play in films, Irrfan is believed to now be seen in the upcoming sequel of the comedy cult classic Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro, which had originally starred Naseeruddin Shah and Ravi Baswani in the leads. Reportedly, Irrfan Khan stated during one of his recent interactions that he will be a part of this upcoming sequel, Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro and would be stepping into the shoes of Ravi Baswani. Meanwhile, Naseeruddin Shah has already been roped in this sequel edition too. Well, with a brilliant star cast, we are definitely looking forward to this Irrfan-Nasseruddin duo