Our Salman Khan has always observed to be maintaining good terms with his Khan brothers, Sohail and Arbaaz Khan. As we know, the trio has also worked together in quite a few previous films, one of them being the major hit, 'Dabbang'. However, with the recent news bells ringing, seems like this triplet venture is soon going to draw towards its end. Reportedly, Salman Khan has revealed the launch of his new production house, Salman Khan Productions, with the upcoming Subhash Ghai venture, Hero remake. Having said this, now we wonder what made him take this one step ahead, as his brothers Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan, already own their respective production companies and have also being considering Salman for the same. Well, nevertheless, we are happy for our Sallu Miyaan as he is also venturing out into some new forte but this buzz definitely makes us question if it is some professional split of the Khan brothers!
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