Superstar, Shah Rukh Khan has been in news for his much attained kingship and the established fame as an actor. However, going with the recent news, seems like the actor's popularity is not only in the humans but also in the animals. Well, filmmaker Janaki Vishwanathan's first Hindi film titled as Bakrapur has roped in a goat to be its lead protagonist in the film. Now in this, one must be wondering, where does Shah Rukh come from! With spills of laughter, we now learn that the lead goat in the film is surprisingly named as Shah Rukh. However, having asked Janaki if it was some spoof intended film, the filmmaker denied any such speculations and brushed it off by saying that she was just looking for a popular and a catchy name, hence the name Shah Rukh was been zeroed down on! But again, Why Shah Rukh? Well SRK, we are eagerly waiting for you to comment on this issue! Stay tuned for more news viewers!