Are Attacks Upon Bro. Polight Slander & Unjustified ?

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His Divine Masculine Brother AdMinister Taalik Ibn’rad Is Scheduled 2 Appear On Underground Railroad Radio @ November 01, 2013 ( Friday ) 10: 00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
*** NEW POSTS*** Random Topics By The Reality’s Temple On Earth Internet Ministry Of The United States Of Black America
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How Do Decent Black Men Get Demon Black Women Pregnant & Why Aren’t These Women Demons While Decent Men R Humping Them ? ( What Is A Decent Black Man ? )

Sentinel OfTruth Said : The reason of why child support has become an issue in this nation is because other men grew tired of taking care of other male's children that they abandon. If you make a child that child must have support...are you saying that father or daddy has no responsibility & it is wrong 4 any male 2 be expected 2 support what he helped bring into existence. While we are enjoying pleasure of the flesh there is little complaint. Men can have v-surgery,plenty of condoms etc. Males always want 2 blame women 4 their failures & lack 2 accept responsibility 4 what they do. Men not women created child support & it's laws. This is a consequence of ill behaviors,it begins as feeling good then later we cry. The woman is never a demon woman while we're humping her,the male never believes he's wrong as males have been conditioned 2 believe they've a right 2 screw as many woman as they can & this makes them a man. Most child support is nothing compared 2 the actual care of a is nothing & most men do little 2 fight 4 access to their babies in fact happy that they're kept away like they really want 2 see their baby....a bunch of frauds. When men who like women act like children that have custody of the children,many of them behave the same way using the babies as a weapon against the woman they now hate. American black males have truly become pathetic as they can bash women but live comfortable & beg 4 the love of racists that are the root of the problem of their lives living in a society that isn't righteous but when we screw up,we're suddenly suppose 2 become righteous. Truly a gang of hypocrites....
5 hours ago · Like · 2

Anne Said : It works both way, Sentinel of Truth. Just like some Black men don't want to step up to the plate and handle their responsibility. You do have crazy demon women that throw decent Black men under the bus, who do want to do the right thing. And those sorry ass reality shows, the Maury show, WSHH proves that.
about an hour ago · Like

Sentinel OfTruth Said : @ Anne , Please describe & who is this decent black man you speak of & why did he go 2 bed with a crazy demon woman ? Why does a decent black man seek out & get pregnant a demon woman ? Why wasn't she a demon woman while he was humping her ? Funny how the things we like becomes the things we hate when they no longer R of service ?

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