Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - I need a loop hole to get out of this rental lease with a Landlord from Hell!? - I am currently in a 2 year lease agreement in Illinois. The landlord and I agreed to a two year lease with the option to purchase after one year. She told us verbally that we could move out after one year if we were unable to purchase the home due to the fact we recently filed bankruptcy. She did not put any of that info in the contract and she change other things such as the pet policy in the contract. That was also verbal. We recently found out my dad has cancer and will need round the clock care. My parents need to sell their home and move in with me because they will be unable to care for themselves. The landlord refuses to let us out of the agreement and refuses to allow them to move in.She said she don't want any sick people in the home. She will not let us use the in ground pool now after agreeing to let us originally. We need to move into a larger place asap so I can take care of my parents. I can only move if she agrees to cancel the contract or if I breech the contract and she evicts me. Doesn't she breech the contract by changing the swimming pool policy and the pet policy. It says we cannot have a pet in the home and she changed her mind at the last minute verbally but didn't change the contract.She drops in on me weekly without warning and walks through the entire house. Goes through the closets and kitchen drawers! I've told her to contact me first and she says that she will but never does. She drives by the house 2-3 times daily. I almost backed into her as I was leaving the other day! I feel like she stalks me. When she comes in the house, all she does is look at my items and talks about how much stuff I have! It's so rude! How can I get out of this contract? I'm going CRAZY! I cannot make two rent payments with 6 kids at home! -