Didem Ürer: The number of Muslims killed by other Muslims in Iraq in just last 6 months, as a result of suicide bombings and other bomb attacks, is 7000.
Adnan Oktar: Had such deaths taken place in Europe, even if 7 people die, let alone 7000, everyone knows how they would move the earth. The extremists have rendered Muslims worthless. They even regard one another as base and worthless. They regard it as normal to kill one another. They even regard themselves as base, it is unbelievable.
They have formed a mass of low-quality, ill-educated, ignorant and repellent types in certain places. They have turned some Muslims into such masses. They are stinking types, mindless, who know not what they say, who know no forgiveness, affection or compassion, who favor violence. They are crude beings who look like animals, with no humane way of behavior. They have such low, inexplicable manners even lower than that of animals.
Europeans do not regard such people as human, and that is why they regard their being killed as normal, too. Of course, they martyr radiant, immaculate Muslims as well as bigots and fundamentalists. In this way people fail to see the difference in between these two groups of people. I mean they fail to understand the difference in between good, worthy people and these creatures. But it is of course terrible for a bigot to be killed or for a Muslim to be killed. It makes no difference, for it is horrible whoever it is. But they have led Muslims into the swamp of bigotry and on that pretext literally into the meat grinder. Thus they have slowly had Muslims killed. And the whole world is sitting by and watching. Look, they have convinced the whole world of one of the most dangerous things, that it is supposedly legitimate to kill Muslims. People in many places believe that. That have shown them it is easy to kill Muslims, and that it is necessary. And they have familiarized the world with not reacting. For example, 1 million Muslims are killed in Iraq, but the world regards that as acceptable. Along with the extremists, there are also highly valuable people we lose in this way. But nobody should be killed, extremists should not be killed either; they should be treated and educated. There is no need to hate extremists. It is a pity for them as well. Extremists do not emerge out of the blue. They are trained that way. Extremists are the result of that extremist training.
Today in Muslim countries, if a European for instance is killed, Muslims all protest. They all agree that this is wrong and ruthless, and embassies, consulates and ministries all go into action. But when a Muslim is killed- may God forbid- I am sorry to say this and I am only saying this for some certain people in some certain places- it is not regarded as important as a dog, or even a bug being killed. They do not even take it seriously. And no Muslim country or consulate or official department takes any action.
Look, they have martyred Muslims in Egypt, and did not even take them to hospital. They have not even allowed severely wounded people to be taken to hospital. But if one European, or three Europeans, is injured, they would take them to the top quality hospital and look after them very well. The press and other people take an interest and it becomes a major incident.
They have convinced the world that Muslims are worthless, crude and simple entities deserving of being killed. And they have developed this philosophy of killing under the name of Islamophobia. They have come up with that name Islamophobia. People kill Muslims, cut their fingers off and dry them and then hang them round their necks. And others admire this. They cut ears off and dry them and take them to Europe. And people admire that. As if they had killed an animal. You know the kind of people who cut an animal’s horns or head off when they kill it and then dry them and hang them on their walls at home. This is the same logic. They boast as if they had killed an animal, may Allah forbid. (Surely Muslims are beyond this).
There is a system of terror and a policy of devaluing Muslims. That is the result of fundamentalist education. Because when asked, "Why do you kill these people?" they say; "These people hate women and say that 99% of women will go to hell. They say that "Women are semi-human." They regard them as mere creatures, equivalent to donkeys, pigs and dogs." They say that they will "kill those who do not fast or pray or give alms." They say they will "kill those who do not let their beards grow." They go on listing these. The list goes on forever. They say; "We hate such people and we want to kill them." That is how such a terrible state of affairs came into being.
The system of the Mahdi will resolve this. The followers of the Mahdi will resolve it. That is the reason for this vigorous struggle in the world. The followers of the Mahdi are passionately wagi