ADNAN OKTAR: The Islamic world is going very well, Islam is wide-spreading but quality is a very important matter. Without quality live will be all broken. I mean quality is a very important matter in Islam, it is an important aspect of life. If you do not attach importance to quality; without aesthetics and beauty, the world will appear to be like Hell. The Mosques should be high quality, the houses should be high quality, clothes should be high quality, the speeches should be high quality, perfumes worn should be high quality. I was watching a TV Channel [the other day], there were some people talking, they all lacked quality in their appearance. For instance there were some ladies, they all lacked quality. They were Muslims but their appearances lacked quality. Well, I looked at their way of speaking- I consider the religious matters clear from this- it was really lacking quality. Well, are you going to bring about such a system, is that what you think should be, is this the ideal life you have? I mean will the people be living like this? For instance Europe attaches great importance to quality. The French, English people all attach great importance to quality. They make a point of attaining quality in their lives. It is apparent that it is crucial for Muslims' lives to attain high quality.
A book should be prepared about this point as well.
DIDEM URER: Insha'Allah Master.
ADNAN OKTAR: A book that should be called "Islam and Quality". Let us a prepare that book.
DIDEM URER: Insha'Allah Master.
ADNAN OKTAR: Our master Mehmet Şevket Eygi always talks about quality in his writings. Yet that blessed person never could really make them understand I mean many people do not listen to our Masters that important warning. He explains the importance of quality in every aspect of life, he explains very comprehensively that quality is an essential attribute of life. However some of our brothers strive to recite a very low quality understanding of Islam. That is why they are getting harsh reactions from the world. However if a high quality understanding of Islam was to be preached, the whole world would turn to Islam in crowds. People adopt an attitude against Islam because they are describing an understanding of Islam that lacks quality. That is the reason of the hatred people feel about Muslims. These people attempt to present a ragged, filthy, ugly, thoughtless absurd structure as Islam. And that causes an immense discomfort and reaction in people. Some people come up and say that people react against Islam. Actually these people are reacting against lack of quality. They are reacting against that horridness, that evil, that ugliness. And some people presume that those people are reacting against Islam. There is no such reaction against Islam, there is a reaction against lack of quality. Many of them are very determined about lack of quality. They are quite determined. They lack quality in eating, they lack quality in their clothes, they lack quality in their way of talking. I look at their ladies, they also lack quality. They only concentrate in cooking and giving birth. I mean they have houses lacking in quality, they are primitive. I mean that has nothing to do with money. It might be cheap but their appearance could be high quality. I mean a person might have only one dress but it can be really high quality. It is very important to be ambitious about quality, to advocate it determinedly.
When quality is attained in arts, science and aesthetics, politics, when there is quality everywhere, such an understanding of Islam would be embraced by everyone. The only reason Islam is not spreading around is lack of quality. Even if you talk to an irreligious person and say; "Love, compassion, mercy, friendship, amicability, democracy, well intentions, a sociable environment, social justice, cutting edge progress in science, art and aesthetics; What do you say to that?" He would say; "I'd embrace it right away." That is what Islam actually is. But what you are presenting people is not a high quality understanding of Islam. You have turned religious services into a hardship. You have turned them into torture, some of them. A completely different frame of mind has overtaken the place of friendship and love. They cannot make friends, they cannot become amiable. It is even difficult to form a connection in between religious communities. Yet it is very easy to form friendship and to make conversation with an irreligious person but it is quite hard to make friends with a religious person in some places. That is why the main problem in front of spreading of Islam, in people not accepting Islam is lack of quality. There is no other reason. If someone says; "I've been preaching but Islam is not spreading around," that person should look for the mistake in him. It means that his way lacks quality.
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