August Celestials Dailies MoP WoW. The August Celestials are a faction that regroups Yulon, the Jade Serpent, ChiJi, the Red Crane, Xuen, the White Tiger, Niuzao the Black Ox, and their followers. Together, they watch over Pandaria.
After reaching level 90, you will be able to increase your reputation with the August Celestials by doing daily quests at the questing location of the day.
In this guide, we will detail the four questing locations and explain how to obtain all the related achievements.
1. Overview↑top
Every day, you will be able to do the daily quests proposed by one of the August Celestials. Your questing location of the day is decided by the introductory daily quest given by the August Celestials Quartermasters: Sage Whiteheart at the Shrine of Seven Stars for Alliance players or Sage Lotusbloom at the Shrine of Twoo Moons for Horde players.
There are four possible introductory daily quests, each of them sending you to do daily quests for one of the August Celestials.
Trial At The Temple of the White Tiger sends you to the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit.
Defense At Niuzao Temple sends you to Niuzao Temple in the Townlong Steppes.
From the point of view of the reputation grind, questing at the Temple of the White Tiger will yield 1,250 reputation, while questing at any other location will yield 1,100 reputation. It will take you about a month to reach exalted reputation.
You can earn another 400 reputation a day by doing the August Celestials Work Order at your farm (see our Tillers guide).
There are achievements related to the daily quests. One of them is Champion of Chi-Ji Icon Champion of Chi-Ji. It will require you to do the daily quests at the Cradle of Chi-Ji 15 times.
1.1. Grand Commendation of the August Celestials
As soon as you reach revered reputation with the August Celestials, make sure to purchase the Grand Commendation of the August Celestials Icon Grand Commendation of the August Celestials from the faction quartermaster. Using this item will allow you to reach exalted reputation much faster.
1.2. Champion A Faction
In order to increase your reputation gains with the August Celestials, you can choose to champion them in the reputation tab of your character panel. This will cause you to gain addition reputation when doing various activities, but mostly through running Heroic dungeons and scenarios.
2. Rewards↑top
All the rewards, with the exception of one mount, can be bought from the August Celestials Quartermasters: Sage Whiteheart at the Shrine of Seven Stars for Alliance players, or Sage Lotusbloom at the Shrine of Twoo Moons for Horde players.
2.1. Tabard
After reaching exalted reputation, you can buy the August Celestials Tabard Icon August Celestials Tabard, which costs 10 Gold.
August Celestials Dailies MoP WoW Dailies Guides!!