Shah Rukh Khan has constantly trended his style quotient switching from one film to another. While one got to see a long hair stint in Don2, the other side equally added to his treat with macho-military look in Jab Tak Hai Jaan and the upcoming grey steak in Farah's Happy New Year! So intending to trend some more, we now hear that King Khan is further set to groom a never-seen-before avatar in his upcoming film Raees that stars Farhan Akhtar. Yes you heard that right! Having initially reported that SRK plays a Gujarati don in the film, sources reveal that a team of Hollywood make-up artists will personally flow down to groom our superstar! In fact, this look test will not just be restricted to different hair styles, but go way aboard with experiments on his eyebrows, beards and scars. Whoa...seems to be interesting!
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