Rupesh Paul, who has been in the headlines for his bold period film 'Kamasutra 3D', is now busy gearing up for another film 'NaMo'. After yearlong speculations, 'NaMo' is all set to be captured on the celluloid and the film is expected to go on floors from February 15. After dabbling with 3D, the director is all set to make the first ever 4D Indian films.
The 4D effect in the movie will simulate the feel of rain, wind, strobe lights, lightning and vibration. Also the viewers would be attracted to special smells, smoke and air bubbles.
Talking about the film, Rupesh Paul assures that the film will not be like any other dry political drama, and would be a treat for the political thriller moviegoers who liked films such as 'The Day of the Jackal', 'JFK' or 'The Manchurian Candidate'. He also promises that the biggest stars of Bollywood will be roped in to play the lead role.
Well, after Kamasutra 3D, looks like Narendra Modi in 4D will surely be a path-breaking movie for Rupesh Paul!