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Sir Edmund Halley was a famous English Astronomer and mathematician. Back in 1692, he published his theory on the hollow earth; he developed his theory from working with Sir Isaac Newton on earth magnetism fluctuation and possible causes.
John Cleves Symmes was a former Captain in the United States Army, war hero, philosopher, and hollow earth researcher. He believed the earth was hollow and habitable within. He was ready to dedicate his life to proving his theory and attempted to search for the openings and explore the hollow earth. In the spring 1818, Symmes sent a proposition to cities across the United States which stated, quote.
To all the world! I declare the earth is hollow, and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees; I pledge my life in support of this truth, and am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in the undertaking.
Today there is a monument of the hollow earth dedicated to Symmes and his theory.
The most recent exploration of the polar regions was attemptied by Admiral Richard Byrd. This man became an expert after making many flights over both poles and mapping the Antarctic. He discovered mountain peaks, trees, rivers, and large animals. After returning to America, Washington censored his expedition and ordered his silence. Before his death in 1957, Byrd wrote a lost entry in his diary concerning the event.
In the past, the Vatican, and the governments they controlled stood firmly on their beliefs that the earth was flat. Some say it was out of fear that the public would realize they were wrong, and that the public would begin to question the credibility of the organizations they received their information from. I think they have always, and still know the truth; I do not think it is out of fear of being wrong, but just to keep the public in the dark, trying to keep them as far from the truth as possible.
You may wonder about the Inner Sun, a possible explanation would be cold fusion. The subject of cold fusion does not seem to enjoy much credibility in the USA. Some scientists regard cold fusion as a pseudo-science. Yet many countries in the world are pouring enormous sums of money into hard scientific research on the matter. Some scientists have already discussed the possibility of cold fusion occurring inside the Earth. P. Palmer, a geophysicist has already suggested this. Helium-3 emanating from inside the Earth has been regarded by some as an indication that cold fusion might be taking place deep down inside the Earth.