Tales of the 'One In Ten' is a new animated web series based on the real stories of Australian children from disadvantaged backgrounds who struggle daily with the effects of financial hardship.
Alice & the Giant Emptiness is a contemporary tale about a young girl living with the burden of disadvantage, who overcomes a negative self-image and the taunts of classmates to live a life full of possibility. Alice & the Giant Emptiness is the first in the Tales of the 'One In Ten' series created to raise awareness of the effects of disadvantage on children.
With 1 in 10 Australian children (638,000) living in disadvantaged families today, the series aims to raise awareness of this serious issue.
Further films will be release throughout the year based on true stories of children who have come through the doors of The Smith Family. Using animation the films hope to provide an insight into their struggles but still retain their anonymity.
Please watch, enjoy and share this film to help raise awareness about this serious issue.
Find out more... http://talesoftheoneinten.com/
Follow us... #talesofthe1in10 https://twitter.com/talesofthe1in10
The Smith Family... http://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/
The Film Makers... http://thesolidstate.com.au/