To celebrate the release of their 53rd animated feature release, Disney compiles a montage of different divas belting out the hit song "Let it Go" of the beloved tale "Frozen", a loose adaption of Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen". Here, Elsa, the Snow Queen, is portrayed by the unique voices of its many different versions, strung together to recreate an unparalleled commonality that traverses localities and languages.
N.B: Due to the restrictions of Dailymotion, Caption selects for the videos are as follows:
1. EN (English): Translation
2. ZH (Chinese): Multilingual
3. FR (French) : Romanisation (of Multilingual lyrics)
Special thanks to all friends who advised on the various languages, including: Emilia Vuori, Joanna Glogaza, Pep Gorgori, Beatriz Noronha Dilão, Katia Mamykina, Sandra Friis, Marit Grønnerød Torp, Krit Nareut Suttirat, Vissata Duangwongsri, Jess Vetsuypers and also to Disney, Youtube and Vimeo for bringing attention to my previous videos.
Translated by: Ko Sherman and Friends.