Stand-up comedian Kapil Sharma, who is all set to make a film debut with Yash Raj Films' "Bank-Chor", says his role in the movie defies the stereotypical portrayal of a comedian. Meanwhile, the comedian turned actor has signed a three-film contract with YRF.
According to Kapil, the script is the most exciting part since it's the kind of role that's very unlike the stereotype of a comedian or what people could typecast him as. He says that he has already started "working on the nuances of the character".
"Bank-Chor", directed by Bumpy, is a comic caper that tells the story of three people who pick a wrong day to rob a bank. What happens when the trio is inadvertently caught in a crossfire of cops, industrialists and corrupt politicians, forms the rest of the story.
Well, seems like Kapil will surely surprise his fans with his debut movie!Stand-up comedian Kapil Sharma, who is all set to make a film debut with Yash Raj Films' "Bank-Chor", says his role in the movie defies the stereotypical portrayal of a comedian. Meanwhile, the comedian turned actor has signed a three-film contract with YRF.
According to Kapil, the script is the most exciting part since it's the kind of role that's very unlike the stereotype of a comedian or what people could typecast him as. He says that he has already started "working on the nuances of the character".
"Bank-Chor", directed by Bumpy, is a comic caper that tells the story of three people who pick a wrong day to rob a bank. What happens when the trio is inadvertently caught in a crossfire of cops, industrialists and corrupt politicians, forms the rest of the story.
Well, seems like Kapil will surely surprise his fans with his debut movie!Stand-up comedian Kapil Sharma, who is all set to make a film debut with Yash Raj Films' "Bank-Chor", says his role in the movie defies the stereotypical portrayal of a comedian. Meanwhile, the comedian turned actor has signed a three-film contract with YRF.
According to Kapil, the script is the most exciting part since it's the kind of role that's very unlike the stereotype of a comedian or what people could typecast him as. He says that he has already started "working on the nuances of the character".
"Bank-Chor", directed by Bumpy, is a comic caper that tells the story of three people who pick a wrong day to rob a bank. What happens when the trio is inadvertently caught in a crossfire of cops, industrialists and corrupt politicians, forms the rest of the story.
Well, seems like Kapil will surely surprise his fans with his debut movie!