Trailer for 'Denise Presents...Dramarama With Denise', written and performed by Alexis Strum and co-starring the wonderful Sue Holderness of 'Only Fools And Horses' and 'The Green Green Grass' fame.
This is a taster tape for the first ep of the 'Denise Presents' scripted comedy series, which will feature a number of household names from the celebrity, sporting and music world doing their best to teach Denise a thing or two & (maybe) have a bit of an interview in the process. I'm currently looking for more famous peoples to appear in 'Denise Presents' so get in touch! Ta, D x
Writer- Alexis Strum
Sue Holderness- Sue Holderness
DoP- Nick Sayce
Sound- Chen Wissotsky
Editor- Yana Kalugina
Music- Disco Con Tutti, Mining By Moonlight and Fanfare For Space by Kevin MacLeod (