A breakdown stunning CGI VFX fire in which the character of Annie summons her bear Tibbers in a part of the League of Legends game film created by Dan Chamberlin! Dan currently works as an artist FX Blur Studios.
Music Track "Danger Zone" of Teletunez
Similar to the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo title, the resolution was the biggest problem of this project. 1080p looks great, but the resolution voxel can only go so far before hitting the limitation of RAM on your machine. E 'was difficult, but it turned out pretty well in the end. Definitely a fun project.
Personal website - http://www.danchamberlin3d.com
Link to the full trailer http://youtu.be/tEnsqpThaFg
Blur Studios http://www.blur.com/
Official League of Legends site - http://na.leagueoflegends.com/