Though Shilpa Shetty was a successful model turned actress and is now a yummy mummy in Bollywood, but after lately becoming a film producer, seems like the leggy beauty doesn't want any actress to become pregnant after signing a film. Wondering what we are talking about?
Well, actor turned producer Shilpa Shetty recently stated that there is nothing wrong in putting a no-pregnancy clause for actresses in film contracts, provided that a film's production doesn't stretch the shoot into years. She believes that at the end of the day, we all are here to work and a lot of money is riding on the actors.
Meanwhile, a no-pregnancy clause should be included or not in an actress's contract turned out to be a hot topic of discussion recently, ever since the rumours of Vidya Balan's pregnancy surfaced all over and she apparently turned down Sujoy Ghost's next film after signing it.