| This website is an out-reach ministry of our assembly, Church Purchased With His Blood, an interracial fellowship in Charleston, SC. This site is mainly devoted to the True Message of The Cross, in-which God is calling His Church back to. It is not Ironic that the True Message of The Cross is the “Original” teaching of the early (first century) church, it is the Great foundational doctrine for the redeemed saint and unredeemed sinner alike. Christ, and the Apostles built the overcoming Church apon His Death, Burial, glorious Resurrection, Ascension and Exaltation. However, we must know that the eternal Victory of the believer was won “Exclusively” by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, on the Cross over 2000 years previous. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Sacrificially shed His precious, pure, innocent and sinless blood, Atoning for the sin of Mankind and He! Satisfied the demands of the Broken Law for a thrice Holy God, whom, Lord Jesus sat down at the right hand of God the Father after He made a propitiation for our sins. And, when we evidence Faith Exclusively in Christ and that finish (Cross) work, the Holy Spirit is only then, free, to move mightily in our lives to work on our behalf, and give unto Believers by the Holy Spirit Christ Victory which will become evident in that True Child of God’s earthly sojourn.