Coming as a shocker Shah Rukh Khan's vanity van recently rammed into Tv actor Karanvir Bohra's car that was parked outside a studio in Mumbai! Yes! Take a look at this disaster! While SRK wasn't really present in the van when this terrible accident hit a shot but reports suggest that his driver felt extremely sorry for this mishap that stroke out of control! Now isn't that a horrible blow to Karanvir? Knowing that he was meanwhile shooting for his recent project Qabool hai inside the studio, imagine what might have gone through his head hearing that his car is half damaged? But thankfully, no case has been filed against Shah Rukh and his team is currently putting in all efforts to clear this mess that was truly unexpected! Well, so on this note, do tell us what do you think of this car crash in the comments section below and meanwhile, stay tuned to Moviezadda!