This video was originally uploaded to youtube on 4/14/14
This video was made way back in late January. Back when this game mode was still a thing... now that they made it only FFA i dont exactly have any reason to play Ghosts anymore due to me thinking its an awful game.
Speaking of Awful look at my fucking team... I was the only one who cracked double digits on kills. Got more kills than my entire team combined no less. Shit like this is infuriating to say the least.
I'll be uploading about 6 more gameplay videos from both BF4 and Ghosts soon. Sorry i haven't done it sooner as they are all months old. Been working on a ton of stuff and uploading others which i felt are more important than raw gameplay.
Videos in the outro from top to bottom
1. 5 Minute Gameplay: Killzone Shadowfall
Link here --->
2. Cod Ghosts: Kem With a Sniper
Link here ---> Not yet available