Big Vinnie is the hardest of the tough, but even that does not help him to run away from irritable bowel syndrome. Inconvenient to state the least, particularly when Vinnie sees it as HIS task to aggravate bowels, instead of the other way round. So what if he has the stomach cramping, the irregularity, the diarrhea, and occasionally both irregularity and diarrhea at the same time (exactly how is that even possible ?!), somebody tossing you a bone so that you have the skinny on him will not affect your relationship with him. Big Vinnie still holds the gun. And now that he's been taking a great probiotic, ND (Non Dairy) Probiotic from HealthRight Nutraceuticals, as part of a management plan made by his Health Care Professional, you're not likely to see Big Vinnie halting his business for a washroom run. His gut now has balance and order and is not calling the shots.