If Narendra Modi's big win as the 15th Prime Minister of India was not enough, then here is a yet another triumph to rejoice with Modi further overpowering our Janta's favorite Salman Khan! How Salman you ask? Well, owing to his NAMO fever on twitter, Narendra Modi's "India has won!" tweet has alarmingly shot up to become the most retweeted tweet in India. Yes! With over 56,000 tweets in six hours, Modi has overthrown Salman's record that had initially quoted to a whopping sum of 48,600 retweets. Whoa....now isn't that awesomeeee? In fact, with this rebellious wave of a MODIfied India taking twitter to jitters, Narendra Modi also crowns to be the first political leader with so many retweets! Well, indeed, it's Abki Baar Modi Sarkar.....So calling out for a brighter future, do tell us what do you think of this win in the comments section below and meanwhile, stay tuned to Bollywood Uncut/Moviezadda!
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