Narendra Modi's swearing-in ceremony on May 26 turned out to be quite a starry affair with a generous smattering of famous faces from Bollywood like Salman Khan, Dharmendra and actor-politicians Hema Malini, Shatrughan Sinha Anupam Kher, Kirron Kher in attendance. Invitations were apparently also sent to megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Tamil superstar Rajinikanth and melody queen Lata Mangeshkar. However, for their respective reasons, none of them turned up to see their nation's star take up his first throne as the Prime Minister Of India...Aaah...never mind!
Meanwhile, while Salman was spotted crisping the function seated alongside his father Salim Khan, others like Vivek Oberoi, Vinod Khanna, Bhojpuri singer Manoj Tiwari, filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, composer Bappi Lahri and actress Poonam Dhilion too were present to shower their praises for Modi Sarkar! Indeed, Bollywood seems to be in full force for Abki Baar Modi stay tuned to Bollywood Uncut for more updates!
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