Shah Rukh Khan has done it, yet again! After a long innings, this superstar's IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders has rebelliously won the IPL title, for the second time in last three years! But well, apart from jumping over his team players after the win and dancing about the victory, our King Khan further chooses to crown his little one, AbRam over this double success! Yes....soon after the match, SRK was heard quoting to the broadcasters, ""I dedicated this win to my little child Abram and the hard work done by Gautam and his team. Thank you Bengaluru and thank you IPL. We believed in ourselves and hard work done by the team management." isn't that cute? Well, we too wouldn't deny to the fact that this little on has definitely brought in some added luck in SRK's life...From Movie blockbusters, to second richest actor, to this cricket win...well, lot more wins are yet to stay tuned to Moviezadda for more updates!