Written from my heart, I really don’t know where to start
The person you are and have become, I know you were there all along
The two words said so often yet mean a lot is what I have not said often enough
The love and care you give, the amazing guy you are, yes you helped me come this far
The appreciation and thanks that I do not show therefore you don’t know
how much I appreciate u and have not once forgot
You encouraged me, made me face some of my fears and comforted me when I bursted into tears
How often I feel alone but know you said you’d always be there
Makes me realize how a true friend honestly cares
I just want to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for everything you have done for me
For making a bad day seem reasonable, putting a smile on my face, constantly telling me you cared and that you would always be there.
Each day that I don’t say thank you doesn’t mean I don’t care, because truth is I think about you all day
Think of the things I have done wrong and what I would do if you were gone.
Thank you for the person you are, thanks for being a constant shining star, a light to a path and a real sweetheart.THANX 4 EVERYTHING
Tarryn Vaughan