A beautiful blue sky,
Fluffy clouds floating by.
Voices raised in song,
There is a great calm over all.
Of a sudden two steel birds appear.
First one then the other,
Fly into separate gigantic monoliths,
The calm is shattered, the storm arrives.
Flames erupt, smoke and cinder,
Engulf the land.
Our world as we knew it,
Has of a sudden, vanished.
As thousands of souls,
Cry out to heaven,
Having unexpectedly, been released,
From their Earthbound hosts,
The world cries in disbelieve.
The twin monoliths burn,
And eventually crumble,
To the desecrated Earth,
Never to rise again.
Never again will the world,
Be the same again.
Innocence is dead, only the stark reality,
Of a decadent world gone mad, remains.
9/17/11 Alton Texas
Juan Olivarez