You know you are my no.1
Thinking of you
As you most know
Your smile lights up the
Universe and oh, how
It shine
Your personality is
Your love flows and others
Are touched
I want you to know you are
And need
A bit of love and a hug
I want you to know people
Are human
They just forget every now
And again
So here we go
Here comes you a mighty
Big hugggggg lots of loveeeeee
A whole truck load of kissesss
A smile
I hope this bring you a loving
Sweet day
A day that will enlighten your spirit
As well as to
Lighten your path
Give you a special award you
Certainly have earn and more
You are always there to lend a
Helping hand
Without ever a complaint
Love just flow through your vain
To transcend to others so freely
Thank you my best friend my
And forever I will hold you
Close in my heart for I love
You so
So by chance if you need a extra
Hand or anything
Just remember I will be there
In a flash
I want let you down
I'll always be there until the
End of my last breathe
I will walk beside you and
Guide you
As your guardian angel
Not to let you fall
For I love you so
My Dear Friend Yolanda
My Daughter My Baby My Life
Dedicated to
Yolanda Sears (Love Ya” Baby)
Carolyn Sears