I was strong once.
I was fierce, and never cried.
Now all I seem to do is weaken and cry more.
I cant hold them back.
They keep coming, like an eternal flood.
I feel hurt. I feel weak. I feel maimed.
I feel burned alive.
You showed me a side of your you shouldn't have, because that covered up the rest of you.
And now it feels like I don't know you anymore.
Your a completely different person.
Who are you?
Who are you and what have you done with the you I first met?
Give him back.
He's the one i love. Not you. I don't know you.
Or is it because of the waterlily you have become what you are now?
I have not cried over you yet. I don't plan to.
You aren't worth my tears. They are worth much more.
A lover with a back that hides a knife....
Out of nowhere, it stabbed the heart i gave you so long ago.
My heart.
You said you'd take care of it. You said you'd keep it safe.
You promised.
And now, I don't just bleed on the ground for pity or attention.
I bleed because the life has been drained from me.
Look what you have done to me.
You tore down my walls, and the rest crumbled away.
I used to be able to push these feelings away.
Now, they push themselves to the surface, a showcase of my emotions.
You've made me mourn and feel vengeance.
My wrath is in full power. That is one thing that has not weakened.
My fury reaches far deeper than anything in my body.
You will know the full of extent of it.
Because you made me vulnerable.
The Immortal Resilience