Christmas is a time to give, and that is what The Lord God did.
God sent His Son as a gift for all, to save man from Adam’s fall.
Christ came just like you and me, as a little baby for all to see.
For God prepared a body for Him, to redeem all man from his sin.
He gave His Only Son Jesus Christ, to all the world as a sacrifice.
Christmas Gifts by many are bought without giving Christ a thought.
Would we have Christmas friend, if Christ, by God was never sent?
It is indeed a festive season, but, many forget its primary reason.
It is to celebrate and worship Him, who was born to die for our sin.
The greatest gift to all the earth is through Him we have new birth.
God’s gift was sent to Bethlehem, to become the Savior of all men.
From that small baby in the hay, He grew up to show men The Way,
That way is for all the nations, to come to God through His salvation.
He grew up in Nazareth, no place to be, for The King of all Eternity.
But that was just a temporal home, now He’s in Glory on a Throne.
Christ is not just a baby in a stall; He is God and The Lord of all.
A stable was the place of birth, for The Lord and King of the earth.
Once again to earth He’ll come, to reign as King from Jerusalem.
God’s gift was given to all men, but you have to accept Him friend.
So accept, as Lord, Jesus Christ, and His gift to you is Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©11/2004)
Bob Gotti