The sun is slowly rising over the hill lighting the ground
so quiet and still, setting the flowers ablaze in color.
Mr. Toad pokes his head out of his hole as he fixes his gaze upon a single flower.
“That will look right smart in me vest” said he to no in particular.
“Spring has come at last to my little pond”
“I can smell the flowers and see the warm days of summer beyond”
On goes his coat and his hat, oh don’t forget your galoshes,
as you head down the road, and across the marshes.
“This is a fine day for a stroll” Thought Mr. Toad.
A fine and friendly creature was he, with wide set eyes, a large mouth
And kind features. He waved hello and good morning to all
He passed along his way.
Down past the hill to see Mr. Rabbit just stepping from his house,
He is No doubt thinking of the land that he will soon till.
“Good Morning friend Rabbit” He said with good will.
Then he met Mrs. Mouse looking very lovely in her flowery spring blouse.
A sweet sound fills the air drifting on the warm spring breeze.
It is the song of Mrs. Robin sitting safe and warm
in her nest high in the trees. The morning sun
gives a fiery glow to her deep red breast.
“ahh springtime” thought Mr. Toad
sniffing the flowers. And enjoying the friendly people he met
as he hopped happily down the road.
Life is meant to be enjoyed in the company of friends
and friendly folk. So as you journey down the road
Be like Mr. Toad and be kind and friendly
and kindness and friendship you to shall invoke.
© JPM 12/9/2008 – 12/10/08
This is something a little different for me more of a Fairy Tale/ Nursery Rhyme then a poem. I hope you enjoy
Jim Milks