“Bubbe, how did you live so long? ”
The little boy asked.
“Well, I didn’t stop breathing.
First in, then out
Then in again, then out again
then in and out
and in and out
till finally just out
but I’m not there yet.
“Each breath’s a prayer
So its easy to pray
First in, then out
Then in again, then out again
and in and out
till finally just out
We all end with a prayer
But I’m not there yet.
“Prayer goes both ways
I breath in and God breaths out
I breath out and God breaths in
First in and out
Then out and in
And in and out again
till finally out and in
It ends with a kiss
But I’m not there yet.
“We all get there
But till we do
Its in and out
Out and in
Give and take
Here and there
So lets thank God
For the time we share
Till it ends with a kiss
And we’ll all be there.”
(April 14,2004)
Lewis Eron