Dunya News - Indian army's unprovoked firing at LOC injures four

Dunya News 2014-06-13

Views 14.2K

Indian Army opened in discriminatory fire at Nakyal Sector area of Line of Control on Friday.
According to sources, two army personnel, a child and a civilian have been injured in the latest incident of firing and shelling.
The aggression was timely responded by Pakistan army men. No casualties or injuries were reported.
The firing caused a sense of fear among the locals who resorted to being stuck at home.
A 2003 cease-fire agreement has largely calmed the military line between the countries, although each side occasionally accuses the other of violating it by firing mortars or gunshots across the line of control.
The border clashes threatens to sabotage recent overtures by the two aimed at resuming peace talks and increasing cross-border trade.

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