a bleeding heart is all that's left
in this shell that is me
where once a love lived
now nothing but shattered pieces
broken and bleeding
torn into millions of pieces
when you said you had married
had you forgotten
the love i have for you
my heart is beyond repair
yet i knew it would come to this
my love has died
now that she is in your life
i always suspected
but never knew
that you would marry
the one you hid from me
now i can understand
why there were secrets and lies
deceptions even to me
so that she would never know
i let my heart fall
to be held in your hands
and now all that is left
is a broken bleeding heart
maybe one day
i can tell you that i am happy
that my dream came true
that the man of my dreams
swept me off of my feet
until then all there will be
is broken and bleeding
pain unsurpassed in this
bleeding heart
i will always love you
...always care for you
never 4get that
i will always be your friend
now i can say
goodbye to my beautiful blue eyes
that have held me captive
these past two years
may happiness and love surround you
...your dreams last 4ever
while i take time to heal this
bleeding heart
Grace Hays