Ah yes to go shopping at an energetic Peptobismall of America's own hypocracy elite.
Oil prices sail on higher and higher to a new all time high tide in a presidency of high misgivings of drowning in unemployment's whirl pool effect on man.Let our leader in life's United States of Uncarica.
Taxation without representation still exhist here in America of not helping out the little fella in life and all it's self denial.
Let the rich go on forever in life to be untaxed and never have to serve their country.Coffin drapped flags of death carry on the American dream of Monopoly's profits to it's own president and vice president's
financial raise to a much greedy ghost.How many American lives have to be forfeited for profit's own self.
Why should the President Bush want to give a tax to oil's profits thus far made? Why should American jobs be created when we could send more and more money to a foreign land called Iraq. Here is a note-He'll not next time get my vote.
Michael Gale