Angels on our side
was the song that was sang
Angels on our side
In my head those words still rang
As I'm waiting anxiously
For my telephone to ring
Praying to our Lord Jesus
Good news it would bring
My mind was getting restless
My heart was getting weak
The silence of the telephone
Tears pouring down my cheek
With Angels on my side
It was a chance I would take
I picked up that telephone
That dreadful call I would make
'Hello Baby doll'
Was the words that he said
'I was gonna call you sooner
but thought you were in bed'
'I got bad news baby doll'
Those words rang in my ears
You'll just have to put up
with Ole grandpa for 5 or 6 more years
Angels were watching
This I truly know
They knew how much I needed him
and didn't make him go
Next time you worry
Hurting deep inside
Look up to the heavens
There are Angels on your side
Denise Clark