One… it can’t be
Mind twirling and whirling
Sleep comes not tonight
Words spinning so fast
I want it to stop… but…. Wait...
No it’s like being fueled and ready to speed
A horse at the gate raring to run
One more step to break the ribbon
Being a child and not wanting to sleep
in fear they might miss something
A cat ready to lunge
Quickly Watson bring me my pen!
A merry go round of words
Catch them if you can
Bring them down with a pen
Attach them to paper and give them verse
Perhaps a dash of rhyme
Keeping it right on time
Neither a penny’s worth nor a dime
What’s that’s sound…a two o’ clock chime?
Damn this infernal machine!
That keeps running when the body wishes to stop
I am not sure but Alice… was that a rabbit that just hopped bye?
Wearing a vest and a tie?
Good gracious I think I am going to cry
Tick, tock the trap went clack
He took the bait
And left with his fate
Running late for a dinner date
Meet you at the hand of twelve
Oh why bother
Let’s go find Christopher Robin
And that depressed jackass…
The blue one with a pin in his tail
Mercy me, mercy my
They are knocking at the door
Dragging a white jacket on the floor
Two men there coming to take me away
Its time for this to end I do pray
Patricia Gale