Cleaning out the closet for a change
I found a picture or her and me
Stuffed in the outer pocket
Of an old forgotten flannel shirt
A shirt she wore to bed and I never wore it again
After she left that night thirty four years ago
She said I'd get over her
She was right
She was right about everything
I wouldn't starve without her
Nor would I least not yet
She was right again when she said
The world would continue
The sun would rise and set
The grass would grow
Seasons would come and go
Even though she'd left
She was right she knew
I would eventually get over her
Finding someone else to take her place
Maybe even learning to smile
And laugh about how silly it all had been
She was right
I did move on without her
And everything
All the memories we shared
Everything simply disappeared.......
It was as though the thought of her had never existed
2007© T. Sheridan
Ted Sheridan