Sandwiched between my inner thoughts
And the hard core of pressing reality...
Like as if a ghost has walked over my grave
And my bones are jittery
My heart cavorts to fly
As it would had it a life
Life to share........
To care
To let you caress
To give you my loving share
But as it is distance,
has been forcefully garlanded...
Freedom has been snatched by the well meaning
To imprison me into a narrow existence
Where not being able to talk to you;
I seem to feel as if I shall perish
Simply perish......
Longing to see you; as a long lost friend at least
How my heart hankers
How it has been by life strangled to obey
I simply live as i should
But some where my heart...
En route this game
To find the able Prime minister next;
Has been shunted to wish
I simply see you again......
Just once at least....Malinikadir
malini kadir