My Best Friend
Written by: Wilfred Mellers, Thursday, April 8,2010 @ 9: 40 PM
I had a reason once upon a time before
Now we share those reasons no more
Couldn’t figure out what was worth fighting for
Do I still worship her? Yes I am sure
Here is the skinny and the plane truth
In America I had wasted my youth
Can't find any incentives to return at all
Here I can finally stand real tall
I grew tired of being in a pack
Nothing is left to draw be back
I will be back but not just yet
My mind is fluid and not truly set
This is all I can tell so I hope all is well
My true friends my mind does dwell
Spinning my wheels was never too smart
Love ones will always hold a place in my heart
All my friends I miss you so
Fondness more than you’ll ever know
You’ve changed my frown into a smile
You’ve made my existence worthwhile
God placed you in my life for a special reason
You have helped me weathered my worst season
This I say without any reservations
You will hold my greatest admiration's
Not too many I can call a friend
You are truly an angel and godsend
You were there when I felt like dying
You concerns taught me to keep trying
Thank you for you have made me glad
You cared when no one else had
You’re my best friend I do think of
You my cohorts are the ones I do love
True friends I’ve found
No matter the distance I’ll always be around
In an ocean of tears I’ll never let you drown
Your life preserver for I’ll never let you down
Wilfred Mellers