I had a lot of questions
Duriing my first trip
I'd seen picutres
Heard stories
I had never been
My uncle's car was loaded down
I'm not sure how many he was expecting
We were carrying enough food
To feed them all
First time I had ever been
Off the main highway
Off the last paved county road
It'd been a while since
The last stretch had been graveled
Slow bumps last leg of the trip
The first to meet us
When we got close
Were the staggering pigs
My uncle was smiling big
For the rest of my first trip
He turned to my aunt
In the front seat
I was in the back
Between lots of beer and boxes of cut meat
We were almost there
'Looks like Delbert's been cookin''
Was all he said
I had no idea 'til years later
Not something they discussed
In front of us kids
Ranch had original wood stove
Recent indoor plumbing
Outhouse still stood at the ready
If needed
For the overflow crowd
Found out years later
Why the pigs were as happy
As the rest of the crowd
They - -pigs that is
Were fed the remaing corn mash
Used to cook the shine
Had enough kick left
For them to greet my uncle
With the good news
On my first trip
Turned out to be
A great weekend
Family reunion
Good times
Had by all
Tom J. Mariani