From cart wheel to mouse wheel inventions are countless
From era to era the leap in science and skill is boundless
Get along with the stream of human progress endless
But stick to the search of Self the only one changeless!
The talents practiced by Raman or Dharman may differ
But in search of Soul even epic heroes never differ
Self enquiry by Socrates of West or Buddha of East
Or Ramana or Confucius …is the same in the present or the past!
Vedic Time - learning Veda just to earn money is of any use?
Computer Era - training a robot to meet ends of life is of any use?
Life was there before birth and it is to continue after death too!
What skill will accompany you all life like unwashable tattoo?
It is Self-Knowledge gained by always asking ‘Who am I? ’
Or it is the wisdom gained by surrendering unto God the full ‘I’.
Do remember your assets or kiths will bid bye one day!
Don’t forget only Self will accompany you always all the way! 170608
Raman Savithiri