Of the passions did I speak
From books old or music
In syntheses
Moses and Christ and the others
My masters in the tavern
With “Paris” did I cross
The sword as in Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare might have read
Or heard the story from the city of love
Standing are you on the balcony in Verona
“The mole on the cheek of my love”
So went I in passions when I asked
The friends to hear me in the city dear
Known am I in the world of love
My self you have become as for me
My identity are you for my love
Like my address on the wall of my home
In the tavern when I sip the cup
I see the reflection of the eyes drunk
In passion I see for reason is not mine
When your sweet words descend on me
From up above the balcony in my search
You told not to speak of the philosophies
Of love and be the initiate
When my cheek speaketh the love you seek
Lost are why you in the world
Did not I tell you are drunk with the wine
Nature is me and the universe I hold
Of earth and mars and canyons great
You speaketh for me they quote to listen
The seduction of my eyes they shall never forget
My head in your lap but they look at my eyes
Like an unsheathed sword am I
Tread softly for the path is dear
Sadiqullah Khan