Ruthless and never ending game
Zooming over vast horizons and lately came
Took away the brave sons of soil
No one could stop their move or foil
Are we so desperate?
A story not to narrate
Pain an agony to vibrate
It has come very late
Shun the violence and strive for harmony
No greed for wealth or money
Let humanity survive
All the nice things to revive
No regret for past acts
Know the simple facts
Time to act and attempt to erase
Bad memories of past to cease
No war cry and thunderous sound
Brotherhood in neighborhood always found
it is not a simple urge to respond to a call
Let there be no further fall
Wake up to reality and suspend the hostility
No bloodshed or bath in complete futility
Something is still left to toast the friendship
Let it sail smoothly without grounding the ship
hasmukh amathalal