I know we got off on a rocky start
I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
For those of you who had faith in me and knew I could change
This is to you it's a promise, I won't be the same
'Your on a road to distruction' Scott Armes once said
Ever since I've heard those words they've stuck in my head
Someone I want to thank for not being quick to judge is Gina Twait
For believing I have potential and could make my life right
I have a lot of respect for Officer Swim
There needs to be more police officers as caring as him
I can't say thanks enough to those who truely care
For knowing eventually I would realize my life was going no where
It's too bad it took me this long to open my eyes
I'm tired of living a life full of lies
My life was a disaster but I've regained control
Now that I'm clean and sober i can start to feel whole
I no longer need drugs and alcohol to function
I'm taking a quick turn off that road to distruction
I'm changing my life, puting my life back together
And slowly but surely it will start to get better
I no longer need drugs and alcohol to cope
It's you who encouraged me and reminds me there's hope
Melissa Medrano