Poor little rich girl
Life was a whirl
One giant swirl
Continuous twirl
Edie was needy
Not really seedy
Down on the weedy
Up on the speedy
Greedy for fame
Sometimes no shame
Who can we blame
Her friends were the same
Edie met Andy
How very dandy
Wooed her with candy
Kept the girl randy
Money from daddy
Always came handy
Plenty of brandy
Plenty of smacky
Clothes galore
Hit every store
Her word was “more”
Like Eva Gabor
True ingénue
Was so brand new
Wanted by many
Had by just few
Sex and not love
Fit like a glove
Flew like a dove
Nothing to solve
Crash and burn
It was her turn
So much to learn
Had she just spurned
Edie the Star
Set a high bar
Beloved today
Will always stay
Yoni Assis