On earth we all matter
In one way or the other
Liquid, gas and solid as matter
Oh Earth our life provider
What's made thou suffer?
Snitch our niche as space
Sleep and wake, we go our pace
Different turns we face
Different works put in place
Man is the user of your days.
Hands of men on earth
Denting what we take as breath
Vexing the aqua underneath
Hills of junks now as sheath
Effects now real then was myth.
What have we done to the timbers
What's happened to Ozone layer?
Liquid, gas and solid as matter
Obstinate and care free still we are
Minding non of its dangers.
The little we know,
Has it not affected the snow?
Still with actions we are slow.
Yet we know no where for us to go
If the sun make the earth hot to blow.
The seas and oceans clamour
Hmm...! Men and nature at rancour
Nature, don't stop your glamour!
Little extreme harsh we'll be at
Volcanoes and tsunami enough as
All hands must be on deck
Not to make here go to wreck
Stop to bleach the skin of earth
Liquid, gas and solid as matter
Let's join to save skin of our mother.
Dare Onadele