Noble art of decision making is
an adaptation of an orderly
assemblage of data;
as source material obtained through
discrete or non-discrete systems.
Chaos exists as raw material
from which order is superimposed.
Order is a product of species interaction;
which consists of hierarchy between
differing species and within species.
Order is an institution which we create
ourselves; impose for universal advancement.
Truth is perceived as a series of revelations;
filtered through contemporary
conceptions defining truthsense.
If true quality is distilled true statement
attained; conformity adherence to law
is assured; integrity loyalty is guarantied;
pledging of security is prime guarantor.
There are therefore rarely, any unalterable
truths, generating dissension,
disagreement producing open conflict,
is indicator of corruptive disharmony.
Why a rational being
would belie life defies logic.
Explanation of such exhibited rational;
upon intensive investigation proves
not a scintilla of logic in prime evidence.
Accumulated wisdom and knowledge
are cultivated practiced formalized arts.
Requiring diligent symbiotic application.
True learning abhors staunch ignorance
a precocious maze by acolyte readily taken.
Life is divisible
divinely imposed order
upon an endless recycling of cells;
originating in cosmic
creation’s common star dust.
This aphorism is a concise formulaic rational
simplistically defining the meaning of life.
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)